Exposição Prolongada à Ficção Científica  

   um blog de Luís Filipe Silva

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29 Março 2008

A ARTE DE FAZER LIVROS DE PAPEL vista numa diferente perspectiva com este pequeno exercício de destreza manual e com direito a encadernação e sobrecapa. Via Bibliotecário de Babel.

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29 Março 2008

AINDA HÁ BLOGS QUE MERECEM SER LIDOS, e pequenos universos ficcionais que convidam à descoberta inusitada, assim, num sábado de manhã, enquanto a vida reclama outros afazeres, pequenos prazeres inconfessáveis. Trata-se de um blog sobre imagens e confissões pessoais de Luc Santé, autor nascido na Bélgica e criado nos EUA, entre as quais se encontram pequenos tesouros como este:

«If you have spent an appreciable amount of your life acting in opposition to a prevailing set of mores, you will eventually come to appreciate the importance of those mores as a point of reference. Gradually, it will occur to you that in addition to opposing that way of life, you require its presence, in various subtle ways, and not simply for the friction. Around the time you realize this, however, you will also realize the fragility of your nemesis. You once had the luxury of thinking of it as a monolithic force; it stood for a political position, an ethics, an aesthetics - and now it will turn out to be made up entirely of people. You will only be fully aware of this when those people have died out.»

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